Honduras 2024, Tuesday June 18

Day 7

Sorry for the LATE POST! We had a long, busy, and AWESOME day on Tuesday so we decided to get some rest and update everything on the way home. The internet was being a little difficult on us during the trip and it also made it easier to do it this way.

We started out the day by dividing and conquering! It started early for Christina and JoBeth as they heard a knock on their door. It was Orsy asking if they could be teachers for the day because one of the teachers for the school couldn't make it that day. These ladies did an AMAZING JOB working with the kids and stepping up for the school and the children.

Everybody else go to work on finishing up our part of the fence. The concrete girls flexed their muscles shoveling gravel and dirt preparing the concrete. Then we started a concrete wheel barrel parade that ended at our new found masonry experts. They put a layer of concrete on the wall and beams to get it ready for the next group to come. After lunch we finished the job by filling in the dirt that was dug for the foundation of the wall. It was another HOT yet fulfilling day as we finished the task faster than Orsy thought we would.

Cristy and Amy took another turn in the kitchen to help prepare lunch for the Sandy Bay children and for those of us working up an appetite with the security fencing. It was a FANTASTIC meal. Bar-b-que chicken (Roatan Style), beef, refried black beans, homemade tortillas and chimole. SO, SO GOOD!

After we finished working Orsy wanted to take the team back to the beach. Since the kids wouldn't be able to go, our team decided that we wanted to stay and spend as much time as we could with them. So we waited patiently for them to finish their homework and chores (Honduran summer break is between November and January) and then got to playing.

Around 7:30 pm we began our devotional time and broke into our small groups and read the remainder of the Bible stories in Spanish and English with the kids. Everyone REALLY loved our devotional times and there was so much interaction between our students and the Sandy Bay Kids. At the end of each devotional, some of our students shared their story of when they came to know the Lord with their small group. It was a sweet time of hearing our students share their love for the Lord.

After devotional time, Orsy and Banesa had ANOTHER surprise for us. They had made one of our favorites, Conch Soup. It was absolutely AMAZING! They don't do this for every group, so we feel very special when they treat us with this type of hospitality. Another of many reasons why we love our Roatan home.

There won't be another post after this, because Wednesday was full of goodbyes, and see you laters. However there is little doubt that the Lord used us to leave a mark, so we will end the blog updates with a challenge Holly had for us this week.

One of our devotionals we looked at Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

She challenged us with these questions:
1--Who are your more than ones? Your people?
2--Who do you need in your barrel? How will you connect with them?

Thus the picture of the monkey's in the cement of the fence. If you look closely you will see each of our names there. We are cemented in the Lord, He is the one that holds everything together. He is the one who holds us together. He is also the one who helps us stay connected to each other. We came for one purpose, to glorify the Lord and tell his story by our actions and by our words. We did that and we leave Him with those we care about in Roatan. However we also bring the Lord back home with us to continue serving others here in Huntsville.

Pray for our friends at Sandy Bay.
Pray for our team as we see how the Lord desires to use us back home.
Pray for our student ministry as they continue to tell their story to their families, our community and our church.

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