Honduras 2024 Wednesday, June 12

Well, after a slight plane delay, we finally landed and HIT THE GROUND RUNNING!  Not many pictures because our students wanted to start playing with the kids at Sandy Bay IMMEDIATELY so we all just jumped in.  We wanted to be present in the moment because before we know it, we will be on a plane headed back home.

Take a look who decided to join us!  That's right, Charlie and Amy Benson.  Holly and I are so excited to have them here, with this team, at this place.

There are many familiar faces, and some new, but still the same place we love to serve the Lord. Pray for us tomorrow as we start working on a new fence on the property.  More to come tomorrow.

Remember, these blog updates will be written by some of our students and some of the adults on this trip. Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or type out a prayer and I will be sure they get to read it and answer back.

Thank you church for giving Holly and me the opportunity to really challenge our students as they put feet to their faith. We are proud of them and honored to serve alongside them.

BJ McMichael

1 Comment

Mandy Hesson - June 13th, 2024 at 8:58am

Thank you for giving them this opportunity! We are so thankful for you and Holly and everyone on your team this week. We are praying for God to do wonderful things in and through each of you. Can't wait to read each update. Love you all!