Honduras 2024 Sunday, June 16

Day 5 ( Aaron Hesson, Charlie and Amy Benson)

Today was more relaxed with no work on the schedule because it was Sunday.  However, it was the most impactful for me. (Aaron)  We went to church with the kids of the home and heard their little voices praise our Father in heaven.  One of the songs that we sang was in Spanish called, “Suelto” and talked about God’s perfect plan…sometimes it’s hard to believe that these kids have experienced God’s perfect plan after hearing some of their stories.  That song was followed up with “Child of God”  That put us (Charlie and Aaron) on our seats!

Suelto (Spanish version)
Suelto or I Give You My Dreams (English version)

Pastor Marvin preached a message of God using the most isolated and unchosen among us to do His work with illustrations of David and Goliath and how Israel was God’s chosen people, not because they were more than, but because they were oppressed.  And of course, he followed it up with a message of the Gospel.  After I wiped my tears and gathered myself it was time to have lunch and go to the beach.

Some might say that going to the beach doesn’t sound much like a mission trip, but when you’re goal is to build relationships with children, it becomes quite essential.  We played in the water with starfish, made sand castles, and lost a beach ball to the current.  Most importantly, watching the kids be loved on by our team.  The parents of our boys should be incredibly proud of the young men they are becoming.  I’m sure the pictures that are added will show our boys in action with the young kids. And of course, the young ladies as well as they nurture these kids as if they are their own kids or young siblings. We had plenty of fun and enjoyed some island drinks minus the spirits.  After the beach, we went back to the home and had pizza and played some more to continue to build those relationships.  

It has truly been a blessing to be able to serve with my UHBC family, who is such an amazing team of kids and adults! Sandy Bay Lighthouse ministries is truly a wonderful organization from the kids here being cared for by a wonderful staff who truly love these kids! I (Amy) have loved serving in the kitchen and washing dishes with the ladies! Looking forward to serving and seeing some more of this beautiful island!

1 Comment

BJ McMichael - June 17th, 2024 at 1:23pm

Amen guys! The language of play & fun is so important!