Honduras 2024 Monday, June 17

Day 6 (Holly and BJ)

We started out the day with another great devotional from Holly.  We all received a yo-yo and talked about how important it is for the yo-yo to be tethered to our hands to function properly. So it goes with the Lord. John 15:5 reminds us that He is the vine and we are the branches, and If we remain (stay tethered) to Him, we will bear much fruit (function properly). She challenged us to think about how we are “remaining." It was the perfect way to start the day.

Afterward, we had an excursion planned for the team. We spent some time growing together as a group and went on a catamaran to do some snorkeling, had an amazing lunch, and then a tour of the island by Orsy. It was encouraging to see and hear how Orsy wants to allow the Lord to use Sandy Bay Lighthouse ministries to reach every village on the island.

When we got back to the home, it was time to have our devotion with the kids.  The lesson was over Zacchaeus, and our team broke into small groups and read the lesson in English, encouraging the kids then to read the lesson in Spanish. We wrapped up our time together by talking about what we liked about the story and ended in prayer. That’s when Brayan (pronounced BRY + UHN) captured all of our hearts tonight. 

Our family has bonded with Brayan over the past 3 years. This sweet boy was removed from his home because his mom was unable to care for his many siblings and him. Others stepped in to care for his brothers and sisters, but no one would take Brayan. (Thank you, Jesus, for Sandy Bay and Orsy and Banesa!) Because he has some special needs, he is periodically left out by some of the other children. To us, he truly has been such a joy. While he doesn’t say much, he is fluent in the language of play and always has a hug and a smile.

Tonight, Brayan not only shared his favorite part with the whole group but also volunteered to pray to close our devotional time with the children. My heart (Holly) was overwhelmed. This was his first time to do this in the three years we have been coming; in fact, it is probably the most words I have ever heard him say! What a HUGE deal! This kid who was not wanted by family and is often overlooked by others prayed to the God of the universe who will ALWAYS WANT him, who created him on purpose and for a purpose! Oh, my goodness! It doesn’t get any better than that. In his sweet prayer, he thanked God for Momi and Popi and that he has a place to live; twice for his food (the boy likes to eat); for the gringos–he said he loves us. He thanked the Lord that we came to be with them and for safe travel back home.

Before he prayed, he told the group about his favorite part: no one would let Zaccheus see Jesus, so he climbed a tree to see him. Jesus really wanted to see Zaccheus, too. We believe that Brayan saw himself in this story, was encouraged that Jesus wanted to be with a man like Zachheus, who was ignored and disregarded by others, and was emboldened to share and pray before the group. God is doing something in Brayan. Please join us in praying for him and that he truly knows how much the love of Jesus is for him.

After Brayan prayed, we continued with a tradition of printing current pictures of our trip with the children on a portable printer that we bring to the island. That's when it was my turn (BJ) to be overwhelmed. I printed a picture of Zachary Steffa playing with Brayan in the water from this year's Sunday beach day trip. When I handed it to him he laughed his Brayan laugh, gave me a hug and then ran off to his room. Little did I know he was coming right back with a photo album in hand and EVERY ONE of our pictures with him over the years. Even the pictures of us that we print and send in the boxes of Crocs we get them for Christmas. This was a gift of wonder when it comes to God's great love for me and our family. A kid who is often overlooked (as Holly stated before) doesn't let the kindness that others have shown him get overlooked. Even if we only make a difference in this one kid's life during our time of ministry to Sandy Bay, I know that is enough for our family!

The pictures below are Brayan through the years. Please join us in praying for him.

1 Comment

Ronnie - June 18th, 2024 at 10:48am

We can never fully exhaust our ability to think about the goodness and greatness of God.

nSo shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it.

nIsaiah 55:11