Sunday Morning Table Talks

9:15 to 10:30 am in the Student Building

 We don't have to disguise our true selves because we belong to God, who loves and knows us completely. This series will challenge you to reflect on their true identity in Christ and the freedom that comes from being genuine.
Week 1: We don't have to disguise our true selves because we belong to God, who loves and knows us completely.
Week 2: We don't have to disguise our weaknesses because God's grace and power are at work in us.
Week 3: We can stop judging others because we've experienced God's love and forgiveness.
In this two-week series, you’ll take your students on a journey toward better understanding the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and how they can share their faith with those around them despite their fears and without coming across as judgmental.
Week 1:Why Not?
Week 2: ... But How?

Wednesday Night Summer Schedule

September 4th--Midweek Worship Night
September 11th--Regular Midweek
September 18th--Regular Midweek
September 25th--Regular Midweek
October 2nd--Midweek Worship Night
October 9th--Regular Midweek
October 16th--Regular Midweek
October 23rd--Regular Midweek
October 30th--Midweek Worship Night
November 6th--Fields of Faith (@ Alpha Omega Academy Football Field)
November 13th--Regular Midweek
November 20th--Regular Midweek
December 11th--Midweek Worship Night
December 18th--Students Christmas Party

Students at the Heights Upcoming Events

JOY Ministry for Special Needs

JOY Ministry is dedicated to providing environments that help develop the spiritual, physical & emotional lives of special needs children and students while also providing support for their families. If you would like to learn more about our Special Needs Ministry, click HERE.