We are dedicated to providing environments that help develop the spiritual, physical & emotional lives of special needs children and students while also providing support for their families. JOY Ministry loves and serves those with special needs, disabilities, and additional needs through encouragement, love, accommodations, and inclusive environments. Everyone is given the opportunity to worship, play, learn about Jesus and grow together with their peers in an age appropriate setting for each child and student. It's OUR greatest JOY to see ALL of God's children experience the deep love and care of Jesus Christ so that HE can become THEIR greatest JOY!
Participant Form
First time at University Heights? If you have a child with special needs and are interested in visiting University Heights, please let us know you are coming so that we can be well-prepared to serve your family. Do so by filling out the JOY Ministry Participant Form below.
Preschool, Kids & Students (Birth-Age 22)
Sundays at 9:15 AM and 10:45 AM. Check in at the Preschool Welcome Desk located in the Kids Building for more information. Plan your VISIT with parking information and a map to the Kids Building.
Volunteer in JOY Ministry
God is growing our ministry and sending more children our way to love and serve well!
Let us know of your interest in serving in JOY Ministry by filling out the volunteer form below.
Let us know of your interest in serving in JOY Ministry by filling out the volunteer form below.