For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
When it comes to loving one another, we do that best by sacrificing time, energy, and resources for one another. In other words, the best way to love your church is simply to serve your church. Service isn’t optional for Christians. We are told to lay down our lives for one another just as Jesus did for us.
If you’ve wondered about how to do that, we have some ideas. You can serve as a teacher, greeter, special events volunteer, tech team member, and so much more. Use the short form below to request more info. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities outside of the church, please check back in the coming days for a link to our serve out page.
If you’ve wondered about how to do that, we have some ideas. You can serve as a teacher, greeter, special events volunteer, tech team member, and so much more. Use the short form below to request more info. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities outside of the church, please check back in the coming days for a link to our serve out page.
Music, Tech & Media
We believe God has given gifts to each of us, some in creative outlets, and we strive to utilize your gifts for the glory of His name. From musicians & choir to tech, media, social media, Videography storytelling and more, we would love for you to be a part of our creative team. We've created a dedicated page for the plethora of opportunities we have for you and would love for you to check it out.
Welcome Team
Do you have the gift of hospitality and love the Lord? The Welcome Team is a great place to serve! The Welcome Team is responsible for creating the warm welcome of UHBC by serving at the entrances. We smile, greet, and answer questions for members and guests Team members serve on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis at either the first or second service. We would love for you to join the Welcome Team and start someone’s Sunday off with a smile! For more information, please contact Stacey Loll at or text or call (936) 577-2135.
Do you have a heart to serve? Ushering is a great way to serve in our church. Ushers assist members and guests by greeting, locating open seats, and by extending the right hand of fellowship. Ushers serve on a rotation. Ushers are vital to our church as they serve the Lord by serving others! For more information, please contact Stacey Loll at or text or call (936) 577-2135.
Door Ministry
Just as the name describes, we would LOVE for you to volunteer to open our doors for our members and visitors on Sunday mornings. We want a smiling face to be the first face people see before they even walk in their building, greeted with a warm welcome. For more information, please contact Stacey Loll at or text or call (936) 577-2135.
Small Group Leader
Small group leaders disciple 1st-6th graders to believe in, belong to, and become like Jesus. Times to serve are on Sundays at 9:15 am, 10:45 am or Wednesdays at 6:00pm.
JOY Ministry Buddy
JOY Ministry Buddies come alongside children with special needs during UHKids activities to provide one-on-one or small group assistance, support and friendship to a child with a disability in an inclusive class setting.
Welcome Volunteer
Volunteers on the UHKids Welcome Team welcome and assist families with check-in on Sundays, Wednesdays and other events throughout the year. Times to serve are on Sundays from 9:00-9:30 am, 10:30-11:00 am or Wednesdays from 5:45-6:15pm.
Kids' Worship Volunteer
Kids' Worship Volunteers engage with 1st-4th Graders during our age appropriate worship and small group time at 10:45am on Sunday mornings.

Sunday School Leader
We have a dedicated team of leaders who are called to teach preschoolers each Sunday from 9:15 - 10:15. Currently, we are interested in raising up additional leaders to join our team. We have opportunities to work with Infants, Toddlers, Twos, Threes, PreK and Kindergarten.

First Look Helper
Volunteer to be a classroom helper during the 10:45 service. This is an easy way to test drive what working with preschoolers is like! Each classroom has a member of our early childhood staff who takes the lead. You simply provide her with a little help. You'll be scheduled once a month or every other month (your choice) and paired up with several other volunteers. The best part is knowing that you are there to have fun with the kids and that your service is helping young parents, too.

Substitute Teacher
Support our team of Sunday School leaders by joining our list of volunteers who can sub on occasion during the 9:15 hour. We have over 30 adult leaders who serve every Sunday at 9:15. It’s such a help to have others who can step in and assist when one of these leaders need a sub.

Fill In The Gap
Due to health concerns, some volunteers who normally serve in the preschool ministry will not be able to return on Aug. 16. Please consider "filling in the gap" until it's safe for them to return. Options to serve are 9:15 or 10:45 working with infants through kindergarten.