Honduras 2024 Thursday, June 13

Day 2 (Cristy, AJ, & Zach Steffa)

Morning (by Cristy Steffa)
We woke up, had our breakfast and devotional  went to have a tour with Orsy. He shared how the orphanage came about and all the work that has been done. Hearing some of the stories of these sweet children was heartbreaking, but I was thankful to hear and see how they are taken care of here. Once the tour was over majority of the group worked on building a cement wall. While Amy Benson and I went up to the kitchen area to help Francis and Banesa with lunch. The highlight of my day was washing dishes with three year old Joseph.

Afternoon (by AJ Steffa)
After some lovely food and a well needed nap the team got back to work. I continued where I left off this morning placing the mortar in between the bricks and wheelbarrowing the mortar to the wall that we are building. Thankfully we had nice shade and breeze to finish the day.  After a hard day of work we had dinner and some free time to play with the kids.

Evening (by Zach Steffa)
Once I  finished working on the fence I went and played with the kids and played basketball with Erick and Josh. I played basketball with them until 7:30 which was devotion. I started off by getting to pray over everyone. Then BJ had us split up into small groups of 1-3 kids per leader. I was with Yensey. Yensey is one of the newer children to the home and I read the story of David and Goliath in English and Spanish to her. She made fun of my pronunciations of the spanish words but she helped me with them even though she cannot read. After the devotion the kitchen crew bought a cake for Aaron’s birthday and we sang happy birthday in english and spanish. After eating cake we played and hung out with the kids until their 9:00 bed time.

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