Honduras 2024 Saturday, June 15

Day 4 (JoBeth Coleman, Kelsey Johnson, Dresdin Hesson)

We started today with a devo by Mrs. Holly. We learned that we should be like ducks in the rain and just let things roll off our shoulders. We learned in Psalms 103:8 that God is abounding in love and slow to anger, which serves as a great reminder of how we should treat others, with love and compassion. We were given rubber ducks which provided multiple opportunities to practice our lesson since the boys squeaked ALL DAY LONG.

After devo we headed into town to grab groceries. Grocery shopping with Orsy is like shopping on a game show. We can safely say we are professional speed shoppers. After grocery shopping, we prepared bags to take into the community at Punta Gorda. We broke into three groups when we arrived in Punta Gorda to bless 16 families with food, toiletries, toothbrushes (donated by our local pediatric dentist Dr. Frazier), dresses made by church members and prayers.

Mrs. Jo Beth and Dresdin’s group visited 5 families. One that stood out to them was a family that consisted of a grandpa, grandma, daughter and numerous grandchildren. They asked for prayer over their health because the grandma was an amputee and the grandpa had vision issues. The daughter was also concerned about caring for her parents. They were truly grateful for the groceries we provided and the prayers we covered them in. The children also enjoyed the candy we handed out.
Kelsey’s group also visited 5 families one of which was an expecting mom with two kids. She asked for prayers for her and her kid’s health. She welcomed our prayers and was extremely appreciative of her groceries. Her kids were also very excited about getting candy. The kids in Punta Gorda were really excited about the dresses we were able to give which was special for Kelsey because she made some. One girl’s whole face lit up when we gave her a dress.

After we arrived back at the children’s home, we went straight to play with the kids until we had breakfast for dinner. Once we cleaned up from dinner, we went back up the hill to hang out with the kids. We look forward to spending time with the kids every day and are very excited for time at the beach with them tomorrow. We ended our day with a debrief to discuss how we were impacted by what we saw in the community and how the Lord is moving in each of us.

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