Access Your Online Giving Statement

You have access to your own giving records to University Heights Baptist Church.
You will need to login to Heights Online. Watch the tutorial video for more information.
1. Click on your Profile Picture in the top-right corner and then click Profile.
2. Choose the Involvement tab.
3. Click on the ellipsis (3 dots) menu on the Financial tile.
4. Select Giving Statement

Options for your Giving Statement

  1. Choose if you'd like a Giving Statement just for yourself or for your whole family.
  2. Select a date range for the gifts that should be included.
  3. Choose if you'd like only tax-deductible gifts, only non-deductible Transactions, or both to be included.
  4. Choose if you'd like Pledge information to be included.
  5. Click Run Report.

Reading a Giving Statement

  1. A list of all Transactions found within the date range set, including:
    • The date for the Transaction.
    • The type of Transaction (check, cash, online, or other) and check #.
    • Any notes about the Transaction.
    • Chart of Account (COA) fund the Transaction was applied to.
    • Amount of the gift.
    • Tax-deductible (TD) status of a Transaction.
  2. Dates will include the range used for the statement and the actual date the statement was created.
  3. Unique identification number.
  4. The Tax Deductible section summarizes the Transactions into totals by COA fund.
    • The non-deductible Transactions are split out into a separate category, if both tax-deductible and non-deductible Transactions are included, and are totaled separately.
  5. If included, a Pledges Summary will report on the progress of your Pledge.
  6. Name and address of organization receiving the gifts.
  7. Your Full name and address.
  8. For Canadian tax code reasons, there is a serial number at the top of the statement. Now that you have your Giving Statement, you can download or print it. Use your browser's instructions to do so.  Thank you for your ongoing support of the ministry of University Heights Baptist Church.